Connecting Outside ENG 110

Connecting Outside ENG 110

Recursive Writing Process

My favorite writing revision strategies come from not only what I’ve learned in the english classroom, but also what I’ve learned from my various other classes of all different subjects. First off, I like to just write what pops into my head at that moment. One thing I’ve learned over the years is that the first take at something is usually the best; no matter how rough it is. I also try to establish a connection to whatever it is I’m writing about. I feel that I can infuse some passion into my writing this way. Outside of ENG 110, I have certainly used some of these principles. For instance, on multiple choice question tests in other classes, I pick what I feel is best and never change my answer unless I convince myself of it with facts I’ve later recalled. In lab courses, I design the lab as I see fit; and then go see my professors to see if they have any advice on how to improve so that the best results are produced. I then like to look over any work I’ve done with a practical eye and see if what I’ve created/completed actually makes sense. In more artistic situations, I’ve learned to look over what I’ve created and look at the list of requirements. Can I find the requirements in what I’ve created? Have I used specifics aspects that make something stand out more? I also don’t believe that looking at my computer for all this time will do me much good, so I like to print out everything and take a pen to it. This includes PowerPoint presentations, Excel spreadsheets, and of course any formal writing for any class in Word. The old fashioned pen and paper never fails me, I find so many grammatical and practicality errors when I do this. These revision strategies are what have lead to many past success’ in most of my classes.
