Dissemination Project: Educational Pamphlet for Nurses on Fall Prevention After Discharge

Dissemination Project: Educational Pamphlet for Nurses on Fall Prevention After Discharge

This project was very educational for me and my group. I learned so much about this topic and really began to understand the vitality of it in practice. Seeing such a high rate of readmission due to preventable falls at home was very eye opening for me. It is such a large problem and it felt really good to know that I may have helped decrease this number a little and keep a couple patients safe while at home. The team worked very efficiently together and we all helped to make sure we met deadlines and helped out one another if we were stuck somewhere. We all made sure we were on the same page when we advanced to next steps in the project and to ensure that all of our data and recommendations were in line with one another. It was a lot of fun to put this presentation together knowing that nurses will read this and hopefully learn something new! We reached out to the CNE on the unit after we dropped our pamphlets off and asked for any feedback, both positive and negative. They responded saying that they would let us know, but by the time of this post, we’ve unfortunately not heard any news from them. The CNE was, however, excited to hand these out to the staff and to leadership for them to look over. So while it was disappointing not to hear anything back specifically, it was very nice to hear that the unit would enjoy our hard work!

One thought on “Dissemination Project: Educational Pamphlet for Nurses on Fall Prevention After Discharge

  1. Great work Aaron, Hopefully, when they get a chance to slow down they can take a look at all of your hard work

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