ATI Pharmacology Proctored Assessment Reflection

ATI Pharmacology Proctored Assessment Reflection

Reflecting on my experience of the ATI Pharmacology Proctored Assessment, I was not at all surprised with my results. I did not feel very confident in some of my answers. I felt as though I either knew the content (the medication) very well and was confident in my selection. Or I was struggling to recall which class of medication it was and what it was used to treat, thus making me feel not confident in my selection. On these more challenging questions, I was really only able to cross off one answer with confidence, thus leaving me with 3 possibilities. I believe another factor in this score was something that was just unavoidable. I really needed to use the restroom about a quarter of the way into the exam and I felt myself speeding up on answers in order to finish. I did not take the time to think through questions of medications I was not confident on. However, there were simply medications that I was just unsure of, and while remediating, I took extra care to look at classifications and indications as these have popped up on multiple ATI assessments before. I look forward to the retake and to have the ability to take my time on questions having remediated on content only a few days prior the assessment.

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