Revision Strategy

Revision Strategy

My goals in revision for my essay is to revise my introduction paragraph in order to makes sure I fully preview what I will talking about in my essay and that I keep my personal opinions out it and save it for discussion on Zander and Southan. I also plan to restructure thoughts that make sense to me, the person who has spent time reviewing and analyzing these sources, and make sure they make sense to those who know nothing of what I’m talking about. Lastly, I plan to make sure I wrap everything up with a nice bow on top that ties back in my thesis and that lets readers be able to form their own thoughts on the topic.

The steps I plan to take to achieve a great introduction paragraph is to make sure it is all about the paper and not at all about what I believe. What I believe is meant to be added during the discussion of claims throughout the essay. This shouldn’t be a hard thing to accomplish and I don’t see any complications arising. I simply need to look at my essay as a whole, pull out the main ideas of it, and condense them down into a couple of sentences previewing the overall paper.

The steps I plan to take to make sure my overall essay is easily readable can prove more complex. I have done the research and the analysis of both Zander and Southan. What I can say about them may seem simple to me, but be confusing to a reader. I believe having a person who has not yet read any of these texts may be a useful resource should I feel I am not simplifying my analysis. They can tell me, this makes no sense, I need you to either restructure the sentence or add more details so that I can understand what you’re saying and how it ties back into the thesis.

Lastly, in order to make sure my concluding paragraph is tight and leaves nothing up for question will, by far, be the most challenging. I want to do this last since it is the final paragraph and because it will be the last thing on my mind. It shouldn’t be hard, restate the thesis, main points, and make sure there is closure. I feel like there is, and so do my reviewers; yet they don’t see my restated thesis in there. When I face this, I believe that writing a couple concluding paragraphs a couple different ways will help lead me to a great final conclusion.

One thought on “Revision Strategy

  1. You seem to have a good plan here, although I have to say that I absolutely think that the writer’s intent should play a role in the introductory paragraph. Make your opinion known right away. No need to save it for later. 3/3

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